
xxxxxxxx webinar series: Tools for Attracting and Retaining Talent to Your Company
Feb 5 @ 10:00 am
xxxxxxxx webinar series: Tools for Attracting and Retaining Talent to Your Company

Please join us for one or all of this series of virtual training programs aimed at reaching a wider audience of companies at one time to provide information on the Job Training Incentive Program, WIOA resources, small business support and assistance through groups like WESST, and the free resources and tools that AREA provides such as its job training board and online tool. For the February 5th webinar,  Register here 

All webinars are FREE to all businesses in the greater Albuquerque region, with a focus on marketing to those in areas with low household and individual incomes to assist in entrepreneurial growth.

Following the live webinars, a recording of each program will be published online and listed on the AREA website for future reference and use by businesses, here:

Series supported by Wafd.

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